
Notificação / Notification


Houve uma mudança na promoção do Birthday Party. O funcionamento da brincadeira continua o mesmo, como anunciado anteriormente, mas a quantidade de prêmio das Big Bags foram reduzidas para:
1º Lugar (Primeira Big Bag) - ganha 05 produtos
2º Lugar (Segunda Bib Bag) - ganha 03 produtos
3º Lugar (Terceira Big Bag) - ganha 01 produto

Esse redução foi necessária pela pouca disponibilidade de tempo que disponho no momento para realizar os uploads dos prêmios, sem contar com os outros prêmios da brincadeira, mas mesmo assim, cada bag terá um produto inédito e todas elas são Commercial Use, então não perca! Venha brincar e ganhar muitos prêmios!




There was a change in the promotion of the Birthday Party. The operation of the game remains the same as previously announced, but the amount of the prize Big Bags were reduced to:
1st Place (First Big Bag) - won 05 products
2nd Place (Second Bib Bag) - won 03 products
3rd Place (Third Big Bag) - 01 wins product

This reduction was required by my limited availability of time for upload the prizes, not counting the other awards the game, but even so, each bag will have a new product and they are all Commercial Use, so don´t miss! Come play and win many prizes!


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posted by TatiC @ sábado, fevereiro 07, 2009,


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The designer TatiC lives in southern of Brazil, and currently is college student. She loves read, listen to music, write and create scraps and products Commercial Use.

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    I'm TatiC From Brazil Hello! My name is TatiC and live in southern Brazil! I hope you enjoy in my work and always come back!
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